
HP Hydraulique acquires Voltera's V-One to print printed circuit boards (PCB)

HP Hydraulique eis pleased to announce the acquisition of Voltera’s V-One, a printer for creating printed circuit coards complex or Printed Circuit Board (PCB). The V-One is equipped with an all-in-one feature set for producing your PCBs, making the process much easier and faster. This type of tool allows you to print two-layer circuits and dispense solder paste to manually mount components on your board. Using Voltera’s design software, import your Gerber file and print the circuit onto the board. 

Imprimante V-One de Voltera pour circuits imprimés - HP Hydraulique
Conception d'un circuit imprimé (PCB) - HP Hydraulique

What is the process of designing printed circuit boards at HP Hydraulique?

At HP we understand that designing electronic control components is a difficult task that requires expertise in the field. Therefore, we can offer a complete A to Z design service, from schematic to circuit printing.

The involvement of the customer depends mostly on the customer himself, we will guide you during the creation process regardless of your level of knowledge. Please note that we deal directly with Voltera to ensure the best quality of design components.

How long does it take to make a circuit board?

We cannot determine in advance the amount of time required to design a PCB (schematic) since it depends on the complexity of the project. 

The minimum time to design a Gerber file is about two hours, but it can vary from project to project. Then, to print a PCB (including drilling and baking) with the Voltera V-One, it will take between two and four hours of time. The last step, which would be to mount the board, can take between two and six hours, depending on the type of board you would like to design (SMD, multilayer, single sided etc).

Discover our services or alk to us about your project, we will be happy to help you in the design of your printed circuit boards.

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